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A bit about the art: Jeanne d'Arc, a very young woman, the hero of a nation, she stood up to men many over 2x her age in a time when women were seen & not heard. She had a vision, some thought she was "touched" by God, some thought her "mad". In the end, she stayed true to her self, her God, & what she believed the truth to be. (This is my artistic interpretation of what she might have looked like)
Product Info: Master's edition, off-white, archival museum-quality paper, is uncoated and the superior choice for art enthusiasts who appreciate world-class quality to enjoy artworks most luxuriously.
Paper Finishing: Matte, uncoated, natural white (off-white).
Acid-Free: Alkaline papermaking ensures a pH above 7, with buffering to prevent yellowing or discoloration over time.
Optical Brightener Additives (OBA): Low or OBA-free for consistent natural white color and long-term color stability.
Paper Weight: 250 gsm (110 lb) for durable prints that maintain their beauty for years.
Available Sizes: 7 sizes; inches for US/Canada, centimeters elsewhere. Sizes may vary slightly by region.
Packaging: Robust packaging ensures safe and secure delivery.
Environmental Impact: Made with FSC-certified paper (or equivalent) to support sustainability.
Printing & Shipping: Printed and shipped on demand, no minimum order required.